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3% of every order goes to local animal rescue groups
Supporting Rescue Centers, One Box at a Time
3% of every order goes to local animal rescue groups
Supporting Rescue Centers, One Box at a Time
Top Health Benefits of Sharing a Life with Dogs

Top Health Benefits of Sharing a Life with Dogs

The timeless bond between humans and dogs, often hailed as "man's best friend," has spanned over 14,000 years, leaving an indelible mark on our shared history. This enduring legacy speaks volumes about the profound connection between our two species. It's no surprise that scientists widely recognize the numerous health benefits of canine companionship.

From my earliest memories, dogs have been an integral part of my life. As a little girl, they were not just pets but cherished confidants, loyal protectors, and steadfast companions. Through the ups and downs of childhood, they were there to offer comfort and solace, helping me navigate the complexities of growing up. As an adult, I still love dogs, and it brings me so much joy knowing that my girls are growing up with the same love for animals that I did.

Dogs have a remarkable ability to enrich our lives in ways both tangible and intangible. They bring joy, laughter, and unconditional love into our homes, brightening even the darkest days. But what many may not realize is that this bond extends far beyond emotional support—it's backed by scientific evidence.

In this blog, we'll delve into the compelling research that underscores the profound impact dogs have on our health and well-being. From boosting physical fitness to enhancing mental resilience, dogs play a pivotal role in fostering a healthier, happier life. Join me as we explore the top ways our beloved canine companions make us healthier, one wagging tail at a time.

Increased Physical Activity:

Dogs require regular exercise, motivating their owners to become more active. Activities like walks, playing fetch, or engaging in other dog-related activities can enhance daily exercise routines and boost cardiovascular health.

Reduced Stress:

Scientists at Washington State University discovered that petting, hearing their breathing, or simply just being in a dog's presence for just 10 minutes can have a significant impact. Study participants had a significant reduction in cortisol, a major stress hormone.

Improved Mental Health:

Dogs offer emotional support, companionship, and a sense of purpose, all of which contribute to better mental health. They can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, providing comfort during challenging times. A national survey of pet owners and non-pet owners by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute found that 85% of respondents believe that interaction with pets reduces loneliness.

Enhanced Social Interaction:

Dog ownership often leads to increased social interactions. Dog owners are more likely to engage with others while walking their dogs or visiting dog parks, fostering social connections and community involvement. Researchers have found that about 40% of dog owners had an easier time making friends. Dogs can provide the perfect way to get to know strangers and form new friendships.

Lowered Blood Pressure:

Interacting with dogs has been linked to lower blood pressure and heart rate. This may be attributed to the calming influence dogs have on their owners, promoting overall cardiovascular health.

Boosted Immune System:

Research suggests that owning a dog can boost the immune system, especially in children. Exposure to dogs from an early age can reduce the risk of developing allergies and strengthen immune responses.

 According to James E. Gern, MD, a pediatrician at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, infants in homes with dogs were less likely to show evidence of pet allergies -- 19% vs. 33%. They also were less likely to have eczema. In addition, they had higher levels of some immune system chemicals -- a sign of stronger immune system activation.

Early Detection of Health Issues:

Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell and can often detect changes in their owners' health. Some dogs are trained to alert owners to seizures, drops in blood sugar, or other medical emergencies, potentially saving lives.

Improved Heart Health:

Dog ownership has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and cardiovascular events like heart attacks. The combination of increased physical activity and reduced stress from owning a dog contributes to overall heart health. Heart attack patients who have pets survive longer than those without, according to several studies. Male pet owners have less sign of heart disease -- lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels -- than non-owners, researchers say.

Weight Management:

In one study, adults who regularly walked their dogs were less likely to be obese than their nondog-owning neighbors. The same research found that dog owners also are more likely to report a healthy diet and blood sugar at ideal levels, which improves overall heart health. 

Walking for 30 minutes a day will reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, colon and breast cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. That 30 minutes of light-to-moderate dog walking also can help you achieve deeper, more restful sleep. Health care professionals recommend adults aim for 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week.

Increased Longevity:

Studies have shown that dog owners tend to live longer than those without canine companions. The combination of physical activity, reduced stress, improved heart health, and social connections contributes to a longer and healthier life. "Studies have shown that Alzheimer's patients have fewer anxious outbursts if there is an animal in the home," says Lynette Hart, PhD, associate professor at the University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine.

In this blog, we've explored the compelling research that underscores the profound impact dogs have on our health and well-being. From boosting physical fitness to enhancing mental resilience, dogs play a pivotal role in fostering a healthier, happier life. As we've seen, the benefits are manifold: increased physical activity, reduced stress, improved heart health, and even early detection of health issues. Moreover, the social connections forged through dog ownership contribute to a sense of belonging and community.

As we continue to cherish the companionship of our beloved canine friends, let's also celebrate the positive impact they have on our health and longevity. Through wagging tails and wet kisses, dogs remind us of life's simple joys and inspire us to live each day to the fullest. So here's to our loyal companions, who make our lives richer, healthier, and infinitely brighter—one paw print at a time. ❤️🐾

